In our quest to get a house, I've decided to get a second job- preferably one at night, so that I can still be at home during the day, and evening with my family. That way, we can save up, and we can get a decent down payment together. To that end, I've accepted a seasonal job at a national retailer as a night stocker. I'm hopeful that this will not just be a seasonal job, but will be permanent after the holidays as well. I'm thinking it will be, simply because night crew doesn't tend to stick around, and during the interview, it was mentioned that they are lacking someone in softlines. Which makes me think that unless I screw up too badly, I'll be offered a permanent position. Yay! I'm excited! It's a great discount, and it's an awesome company to work for.
I start work in the morning, which kind of scares me, but on the other hand it's just a relief to get going. I should have started last week, but due to some other commitments, I had to push starting back until yesterday's orientation. I'm pretty excited overall about it. It's a good thing, and I'm hoping it's a lasting thing.
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